01:05duration 1 minute 5 seconds
Updating Email Addresses - TLS Bookings Site
From Jared Fox
04:32duration 4 minutes 32 seconds
Adding CIDI Templates and preserving a banner…
Adding CIDI Templates and preserving a banner image
From Chelsie Ruge
02:44duration 2 minutes 44 seconds
Upgrading the Old CIDI Template with the Gold…
Upgrading the Old CIDI Template with the Gold Medallions
06:13duration 6 minutes 13 seconds
Downloading Canvas Recording Tool Videos_05.2024
02:12duration 2 minutes 12 seconds
Reassociating Design Container with the new…
Reassociating Design Container with the new template
02:35duration 2 minutes 35 seconds
Changing Crosslisting Order 04.2024
18:07duration 18 minutes 7 seconds
Adding New CIDI to a Course with no CIDI
41:23duration 41 minutes 23 seconds
CidiLabs - New Toolbar 04.04.2024
03:14duration 3 minutes 14 seconds
Blueprint Synch Features and Tips
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
Importing Template Content Using New CIDI Sidebar
00:45duration 45 seconds
Removing a Student from an FMLP course
02:45duration 2 minutes 45 seconds
Turning on the new Discussions Feature
03:05duration 3 minutes 5 seconds
Sections Group Assignments test for FMLP
03:25duration 3 minutes 25 seconds
Upgrading our CIDI Templates
15:55duration 15 minutes 55 seconds
Setting up the student success course
06:18duration 6 minutes 18 seconds
Durable Skills Gradebook Mock-up
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
Updating Student Resources Page with Rise embed…
Updating Student Resources Page with Rise embed Code
05:24duration 5 minutes 24 seconds
Uploading Articulate files to the server and…
Uploading Articulate files to the server and embedding
09:07duration 9 minutes 7 seconds
Set up of the Due Dates for the Teaching…
Set up of the Due Dates for the Teaching Strategies Course
06:52duration 6 minutes 52 seconds
Second Section Option for Incompletes