What could psychotherapists stand to learn from abolitionist movements? How might abolitionist ideas radicalize psychotherapy practices in ways that seek to dismantle white supremacy and colonialism, which have been present in almost all psychotherapy training even if rarely named as such, since the inception of the field? Taking a cue from legal scholar and prison industrial complex abolitionist, Tracey Meares, does multicultural counseling have to “be abolished before it can be transformed”? And if we do this work, what are the possibilities for transformation? This workshop will draw on the ideas of Angela David, Mariame Kaba, Tracey Meares, Angela Davis, Saidiya Hartman, Robin D.G. Kelley, Fred Moten, Cedric Robinson, Frank B. Wilderson III, among others, and will make an initial attempt to inject their ideas into psychotherapy practices thereby centering Black ideas and experiences.