Isaac D. Williams was a coal miner and a fire-boss for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Researcher of Early History of CF&I from 1871-1903. Stared at CF&I at Willimsburg in 1899. Rockvale was a gaseous mine. He was a coal miner there working regular 10 hour days. Describes routine coal miner day. Family was born in Wales. Father worked in Welsh mines. On his 9th birthday in 1886 they came to Ohio and moved to Canon City, Co in 1888. His father heard wages were better in Colorado and began working at the Prentis Mine. Isaac started work at the Bear Gulch Mine in 1894. First mine worked in was Prentis Mine at the age of 10. Started at Williamsburg at 13 years old. In 1918 he became a contractor. Went back as fire boss until 1947 then retired. Describes how some mines in Fremont County got their names.