Vic Johnson was a superintendent for the Rolling and Finishing Mill, at the CF&I Steel Corporation.Began working at mill at 12 1/2 years old. Tom Verde was foreman. Began at rail mill as door puller (opened cover while charging). Other boys were Nettie Ryan, Alfred Ecklund, Mike Burke (a heater), John Hollywood (heater-controlled temperature), Frank Mitchell (blooming mill roller). Victor was a door boy for 6 months at .10 cents per hour. Later was a gas reverser for 9 months at .11 cents per hour, 12 hour shifts. Later worked as a buggy operator transporting ingots for 1 year. Tally job for 2 years at .13 cents per hour (boys rate), and later yard master in charge of moving ingots. In 1914, work hours became unreliable. Became timekeeper at $65.00 per month. He describes buying and selling script. Eventually became pay master. Handed paycheck to each individual.