In this 3 part interview Bette Saunders describes her memories of growing up and living in Douglas County Colorado. Highlights of the different interview segments are: Part 1: Bette talks about her parents' families the Gilberts and the Noyes and early memories of growing up as a childattending school (Cherry School and later high school in Castle Rock) and her experiences up until the end of World War II. Part 2: Bette continues her family's history and also provides a view of what the town of Castle Rock looked like in the 1930s-40s as well as her memories of the 1965 flood. Part 3: She continues to describe early memories of growing up in Dougas County e.g. attending cultural events and the Castle Rock star lighting event and witnessing the Douglas County Courthouse fire of 1978 the blizzard of 1946 and the cyclone of 1937.