Unknown person recounts the history of some pioneering families and individuals of the Mancos Valley including the William Ward family Theodore BrooksMavin Armstrong Margaret Ashback Leona Davenport…
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: Pinyon Mesa/Sawmills
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: Early Collbran History
Oral History Interview with Louis Pinello for Pikes Peak Library Oral History Project
One of the first men selected in 1940 to train as a smokejumper Earl Cooley describes the early years of the program including the selection of men the training and the equipment. He also recalls…
Relates experiences as a child including the trips into the mountains to gather mesquite and amole discusses and describes life in Ysleta during the 1920s and 1930s celebrations on St. Anthony's…
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Part of the Sound Model Project
The Mexican Revolution migrant workers in the United States. Prohibition. Bracero Program.
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Part of the Sound Model Project