04:59duration 4 minutes 59 seconds
2017-10-28 Nebula Ensemble - 10-28-2017 - Track 4
Nebula Ensemble - 10-28-2017 Track: 4 Concert Date: October 28, 2017 Old filename: 5085.mp3
31:48duration 31 minutes 48 seconds
Oral history interview with John L. Lawler and…
Oral history interview with John L. Lawler and Jerome M. Seracuse
02:16duration 2 minutes 16 seconds
Indita de Manuel Maes, 1970
Las Vegas, New Mexico. Discussion of place names associated with the New Mexican historical ballad, "Indita de Manuel Maes." Quality: Good.
30:27duration 30 minutes 27 seconds
Oral History Interview with Fritz Benedict, 1994.
Bio: Fredric "Fritz" Benedict was born in 1914 in Medford, Wisconsin. He received a masters in Architecture from the University of Wisconsin before apprenticing for three years with Frank…
01:54duration 1 minute 54 seconds
Jim Kroll - Beginnings
Digital Pioneers 2010-2014