Lamont Opera - 11-01-2014 Track: 4
Concert Date: November 01, 2014
Old filename: 2362.mp3
Lamont Opera - 10-31-2014 Track: 3
Concert Date: October 31, 2014
Old filename: 2335.mp3
Mrs. Bonnie Pace taught for fifty years and during those years she taught in many different places and with a variety of people including three different Indian tribes. Interviewed by Cherry Ray on…
Mrs. Sally Lewis taught in Zuni New Mexico for 15 years and in Chinle Arizona for 2 years. Interviewed by Cherry Ray on February 7 1981. Topics discussed in the interview include: Lewis'…
Mrs. Sally Lewis taught in Zuni New Mexico for 15 years and in Chinle Arizona for 2 years. Interviewed by Cherry Ray on February 7 1981. Topics discussed in the interview include: Lewis'…
Family History of Church Family & Charles McKay.Mother (Ruth) met father on a cruise -- two children Charles born in 1940 and Berry -- Father was a salesman furniture manufacturing and wood…
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