03:12duration 3 minutes 12 seconds
2013-03-01 Flo's Underground - 03-01-2013 -…
2013-03-01 Flo's Underground - 03-01-2013 - Track 7
Flo's Underground - 03-01-2013 Track: 7 Concert Date: March 01, 2013 Old filename: 428.mp3
24:03duration 24 minutes 3 seconds
12:41duration 12 minutes 41 seconds
03:59duration 3 minutes 59 seconds
Ellis K. Skinner "Little Old Sod Shanty on…
Ellis K. Skinner "Little Old Sod Shanty on the Claim"
Homesteader's Song; Parody of Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane
Emma Hutchins "Little Old Sod Shanty on the…
Emma Hutchins "Little Old Sod Shanty on the Claim"
01:29duration 1 minute 29 seconds
El tartamudo, 1973
Belen, New Mexico. Untranscribable and untranslatable humorous account of a stuttering simpleton who comes to warn his father that thieves are stealing the hog. The only way he can get his message…