Lamont Musical Theatre Cabaret - 05-22-2014 Track: 5
Concert Date: May 22, 2014
Old filename: 2034.mp3
Flo's Underground - 05-13-2016 Track: 7
Concert Date: May 13, 2016
Old filename: 4268.mp3
Bill Brill came to work for CF&I in 1926 in the engineering department. He came to help build the twenty-five inch mill. He also made changes in the fourteen inch mill. He helped build the rod…
Raymond Ehrlinger was a draftsman for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Ehrlinger finished school at the age of 14 in the 8th grade. He went to Farris Point at Bethlehem…
Harold A. Christie was the Vice President of CF&I Steel Corporation. William Brill was a mine engineer for CF&I Steel Corporation. Harold was born in old Colorado City, attended Missouri…
Harold A. Christie was the Vice President of CF&I Steel Corporation. William Brill was a mine engineer for CF&I Steel Corporation. Harold was born in old Colorado City, attended Missouri…
Harold A. Christie was the Vice President of CF&I Steel Corporation. William Brill was a mine engineer for CF&I Steel Corporation. Harold was born in old Colorado City, attended Missouri…
Harold A. Christie was the Vice President of CF&I Steel Corporation. William Brill was a mine engineer for CF&I Steel Corporation. Harold was born in old Colorado City, attended Missouri…