Flo's Underground - 05-03-2013 Track: 3
Concert Date: May 03, 2013
Old filename: 533.mp3
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Yes DepartmentProgram
Languages, Literatures & Cultures
No description given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title: Basque Life
The women talk about tattooing and water babies. Pinenutting steam baths and ants.
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Part of the Sound Model Project
Born in Durango Mexico. Recollections of his chilhood and youth. Job experiences. Came to Ciudad Juarez in 1953. Worked as a bracero in Pecos and Ysleta Texas. Had an accident while on the job.…
Nambe, New Mexico. Agglutinate song about a frog. Quality:Fair
San Jose, New Mexico. A man tells a woman dancing with him that she looks fair, but that is only because of the makeup (cascara) that she puts on her face. The woman answers in poetry also. …
Montoya, New Mexico. Date is uncertain. Quality: Fair.