07:31duration 7 minutes 31 seconds
2013-04-19 Lamont Opera - 04-19-2013 - Track 5
Lamont Opera - 04-19-2013 Track: 5 Concert Date: April 19, 2013 Old filename: 464.mp3
07:43duration 7 minutes 43 seconds
2013-04-20 Lamont Opera - 04-20-2013 - Track 5
Lamont Opera - 04-20-2013 Track: 5 Concert Date: April 20, 2013 Old filename: 474.mp3
03:08duration 3 minutes 8 seconds
2016-11-03 Lamont Symphony Orchestra - 11-03-2016…
2016-11-03 Lamont Symphony Orchestra - 11-03-2016 - Track 12
Lamont Symphony Orchestra - 11-03-2016 Track: 12 Concert Date: November 03, 2016 Old filename: 4456.mp3
02:12duration 2 minutes 12 seconds
Emma Hutchins "Mrs. Lofty"
Folk Song
09:56duration 9 minutes 56 seconds
Oral History Interview with Vi June (#2) circa…
Oral History Interview with Vi June (#2) circa 1986 (Side B)
Oral history interview with Vi June Mayor of Westminster speaks of water acquisition water reservoir annexation & early problems the City faced with each.