05:57duration 5 minutes 57 seconds
2013-11-02 Lamont Opera - 11-02-2013 - Track 1
Lamont Opera - 11-02-2013 Track: 1 Concert Date: November 02, 2013 Old filename: 2908.mp3
06:58duration 6 minutes 58 seconds
2014-10-31 Lamont Opera - 10-31-2014 - Track 10
Lamont Opera - 10-31-2014 Track: 10 Concert Date: October 31, 2014 Old filename: 2341.mp3
01:27duration 1 minute 27 seconds
Ellis K. Skinner "Hand Me Down My…
Ellis K. Skinner "Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane"
19th Century Popular Song
00:14duration 14 seconds
Beulah Greer "Go Tell Aunt Rhody"
Folk Song
03:39duration 3 minutes 39 seconds
Edith Cummings Taylor "Green Grass Grows All…
Edith Cummings Taylor "Green Grass Grows All Around"
01:12:33duration 1 hour 12 minutes
Oral history interview with Andy Vidovich about…
Oral history interview with Andy Vidovich about 1968 (Tape 2, Side B)
Vidovich discusses the Stewart Indian School in Carson City Nevada. Mason Valley. Jack Wilson also known as Wovoka. Thompson. Alida Bowler and Schurz Nevada.
46:47duration 46 minutes 47 seconds
Oral history interview with Mabel Wright Paulina.…
Oral history interview with Mabel Wright Paulina. 1964 May
Discusses the Indian doctor and shamans as well as the deer hoof rattle.