LIS 4070 7.5.1 Classifying Media (LCC and Cutter)
Lamont Opera - 11-01-2014 Track: 2
Concert Date: November 01, 2014
Old filename: 2365.mp3
Donna Wickham - 03-08-2016 Track: 5
Concert Date: March 08, 2016
Old filename: 3975.mp3
Lamont Composer's Series - 05-17-2015 Track: 1
Concert Date: May 17, 2015
Old filename: 3231.mp3
North Indian Classical Dance - 03-08-2019 Track: 2
Concert Date: March 08, 2019
Old filename: 8667.mp3
Jazz Small Groups - 10-31-22 Track: 6
Concert Date: October 31, 2022
Old filename: 11884.mp3
Founding of the City Market Supermarket chain. From the Museum of Western Colorado Oral Histories.
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Oral Histories. Mentions Oil Shade- 1920 in title.
Othniel Seiden a Denver physician describes the Richtofen Castle its history design and architecture. Now a full time writer he has published a booklet entitled: "Denver's Richtofen…
Helen Miles Bradshaw reflects on her life in Hugo Colorado where she was born. Bradshaw describes the town her first home childhood games the big blizzard in 1913 and the dustbowl in the 1930s.…
Panel discussing history of Montezuma County Colorado.
Recollections Soccorro and San Elizario area which include history culture folklore and traditions of the area.
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Sound Model Project
Vic Johnson was a superintendent for the Rolling and Finishing Mill at the CF&I Steel Corporation.Began working at mill at 12 1/2 years old. Tom Verde was foreman. Began at rail mill as door…
Vic Johnson was a superintendent for the Rolling and Finishing Mill at the CF&I Steel Corporation.Began working at mill at 12 1/2 years old. Tom Verde was foreman. Began at rail mill as door…