Lamont Opera - 11-01-2014 Track: 2
Concert Date: November 01, 2014
Old filename: 2361.mp3
Standards Combo Session - 10-23-2014 Track: 1
Concert Date: October 23, 2014
Old filename: 2485.mp3
Mark Rush - 10-13-2013 Track: 1
Concert Date: October 13, 2013
Old filename: 933.mp3
January 12th, 2023
November 8th, 2022
015 DESCRIBES food medicines- nopales, aloe, and smoothies to deal with dad's diabetes also describes Vics vapor rub which one rubs on chest and feet
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: Pinyon Mesa/Sawmills
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: Pinyon Mesa/Sawmills
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: African-Americans/Grand Junction
No name or descrption given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title : John Otto