Lamont Musical Theatre Cabaret - 05-22-2015 Track: 5
Concert Date: May 22, 2015
Old filename: 3317.mp3
Lamont Musical Theatre Cabaret - 05-21-2015 Track: 5
Concert Date: May 21, 2015
Old filename: 3297.mp3
Part 2 of oral history interview with Gerhard Heimann and Lotte Gruenfeld Heimann.
Gerhard Heimann, born on September 29, 1921 in Berlin, Germany, discusses his childhood in Berlin, where he…
Archive Video?
Yes EventDate
January 1st, 2002
Oral history interview with Erna Witsches Schmidmayer.
Erna, born in Odessa, Ukraine, discusses her childhood in Danzig, Germany (now Gdansk, Poland); escaping Nazi Germany on the Kindertransport…
Archive Video?
Yes EventDate
September 16th, 2016
Fanny Mae Yaffe reflects on her 35 year long tenure as a volunteer at the Beth Israel Hospital in Denver Colorado. Yaffe describes why she volunteers her early memories of the hospital and physical…
Citizens of every culture and religion must act locally to support the paradigm shift necessary to mitigate global conflict, according to Marc Gopin, author of "Holy War, Holy Peace." Read…
CMES Director Nader Hashemi joined @TRT World on October 15 to discuss the impacts, if any, of the U.S. presidential election outcome on U.S. policy toward Israel and Palestine.
October 15th, 2020 EventSpeaker
Nader Hashemi DepartmentProgram
DU Center for Middle East Studies
MA candidate Tali Grumet speaks with Professor Jonathan Adelman about the current conflict between Israel and Hamas.
July 18th, 2014 EventSpeaker
Jonathan Adelman
Tali Grumet RelatedWebsite
Brief biographies of Jewish men and women who grew up in Jewish communities in Colorado. Contains historical photographs and interviews with people describing their childhoods.
Albuquerque, New Mexico. See item 20.3. Quality: Good.
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) answers questions from Colorado constituents during a segment of his For the record radio program on August 8, 1967 in Washington, D.C. Sen. Dominick discusses his…
Senator Peter H. Dominick answers questions from Colorado constituents during a segment of his For the record radio program on April 2, 1968 in Washington, D.C. He discusses efforts to develop water…
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) delivers his weekly radio address, Report from Washington, on July 26, 1967. Sen. Dominick discusses topics including the Middle East crisis, Felipe Rivera (a…