Vocal Jazz Showcase - 05-25-2017 Track: 1
Concert Date: May 25, 2017
Old filename: 5044.mp3
Ava Johnson Junior Recital - 11-08-20 Track: 3
Concert Date: November 08, 2020
Old filename: 11129.mp3
Ava Johnson Junior Recital - 11-08-20 Track: 4
Concert Date: November 08, 2020
Old filename: 11130.mp3
Ava Johnson Junior Recital - 11-08-20 Track: 2
Concert Date: November 08, 2020
Old filename: 11127.mp3
Ava Johnson Junior Recital - 11-08-20 Track: 1
Concert Date: November 08, 2020
Old filename: 11128.mp3
Commencement Speaker Carrie Morgridge Leaves 2023 Graduates With Message of 'Common Sense' “If you acquire an education, you have it forever. This is the gift of higher…
Archive Video?
Yes EventSeries
Commencement EventDate
June 9th, 2023 EventSpeaker
Carrie Morgridge RelatedWebsite
This reel contains Irving Howe speaking at the University of Denver on April 29 as part of the English Department Lecture Series. The year of the recording is unknown though it was most likely in the…
No descrptions given for Loveland Museum Gallery oral histories
Dorothy Trevino interviews a variety of individuals who were early citizens of Mancos Colorado. These interviews are part of a series of oral histories taken in the 1970s intended to be added to the…
A Basic Poetics class taught by Alice Notley in Allen Ginsberg's stead. Notley begins the class with a discussion and partial reading of Alexander Pope's poem "The Rape of the…
A Basic Poetics class taught by Alice Notley in Allen Ginsberg's stead. Notley begins the class by discussing the work of John Dryden then segues into discussing the work of John Gay. Notley…
A continuation of a Basic Poetics class taught by Allen Ginsberg in 1980 at Naropa. Ginsberg and class discuss and read from the works of Ben Jonson and Robert Herrick. Ginsberg focuses mostly on the…
A continuation of a Basic Poetics class taught by Allen Ginsberg in 1980 at Naropa. Ginsberg begins by discussing the prosody of Ezra Pound's Pisan Cantos reading #80 in full. Then he segues…
In this 2 part interview Florence and Louise reminisce about growing up in Sedalia living with their grandparents deaths of Beeman family members and their hard-working mother who continued to care…
Oral History Interview with Edward Kelley for Pikes Peak Library Oral History Project