08:25duration 8 minutes 25 seconds
2014-02-26 Jazz Faculty Combo - 02-26-2014 -…
2014-02-26 Jazz Faculty Combo - 02-26-2014 - Track 6
Jazz Faculty Combo - 02-26-2014 Track: 6 Concert Date: February 26, 2014 Old filename: 1504.mp3
04:02duration 4 minutes 2 seconds
Wilbur Addison "Prisoner at the Bar"
Folk Song
02:54duration 2 minutes 54 seconds
Emma Hutchins "Over the Garden Wall"
Courting Song
00:42duration 42 seconds
Julia B. Van Horn "Keep the Home Fires…
Julia B. Van Horn "Keep the Home Fires Burning"
02:46duration 2 minutes 46 seconds
William Martin "Fun With the Doggies"
04:05duration 4 minutes 5 seconds
Martha Martin "Prisoner at the Bar"