Jazz Night - 04-23-2014 Track: 2
Concert Date: April 23, 2014
Old filename: 1798.mp3
Jazz Night - 04-23-2014 Track: 2
Concert Date: April 23, 2014
Old filename: 1798.mp3
Flo's Underground - 03-04-2016 Track: 15
Concert Date: March 04, 2016
Old filename: 3925.mp3
R&B Ensemble - 02-10-2023 Track: 2
Concert Date: February 10, 2023
Old filename: 11992.mp3
Archive Video?
Yes DepartmentProgram
Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Andrew Menefee kept an extensive diary of his trip from Mancos Colorado to New Orleans Lousiana during February 1885. Dorothy Trevino reads the diary. Dorothy Trevino also reads short statements…
Creeley's lecture focuses on the work of Louis Zukofsky and Gertrude Stein. Creeley reads from a selection of both writers' work especially focusing on Zukofsky's "A" and…
Interview with Florence Knight from Pikes Peak Library District Oral History Project.
Booker born in Naco Arizona talks about her familys history and her experiences as an African American woman in early Mesa. Her great grand parents were slaves and her grandfather and father were…
Covers genealogical information on various tribal members.
Osborn oral history interview.
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Brief biographies of Jewish men and women who grew up in Jewish communities in Colorado. Contains historical photographs and interviews with people describing their childhoods.
Albuquerque, New Mexico. See item 20.3. Quality: Good.
Santa Cruz, New Mexico. Continuation of item 19.1. Three short hymns and several short sermons are appended. Quality: Good/Fair.