Lamont Musical Theatre Cabaret - 05-23-2013 Track: 13
Concert Date: May 23, 2013
Old filename: 715.mp3
Barack Obama Dines On Famous Fast Food
Flo's Underground - 03-04-2016 Track: 2
Concert Date: March 04, 2016
Old filename: 3913.mp3
Cold Train Combo - 02-19-2015 Track: 3
Concert Date: February 19, 2015
Old filename: 3009.mp3
In this Bridges to the Future video, Ray Suarez speaks on the role of religion in the 2012 campaign season. Ray Suarez, correspondent for PBS' NewsHour, told the Bridges to the Future crowd that…
April 24th, 2012
September 26th, 2012 EventSpeaker
Nader Hashemi
Trita Parsi
Richard Lamm
Christopher Hill
Tom Farer DepartmentProgram
Josef Korbel School of International Studies
This event examined Colorado's shifting political landscape and diverse electorate. It featured University of Denver faculty and representatives from the two major parties in…
October 2nd, 2012 EventSpeaker
Sharon Lassar
Sam Kamin
Lisa Martinez
Seth Masket
Rick Palacio
Ryan Call
Dee Dee Myers DepartmentProgram
Division of Marketing and Communications
Hosting the first presidential debate of 2012 was one of the more historic events in the University of Denver's history. See the excitement, spectacle and challenge of bringing the presidential…
October 3rd, 2013 EventSpeaker
Chancellor Robert Coombe
Gregg Kvistad
Kevin Carroll
Trygve Myhren
Christopher Hill
John Hickenlooper
Lynn Gangone DepartmentProgram
Division of Marketing and Communications
Analysis of the 2012 Election by a panel of political scientists.
November 9th, 2012 EventSpeaker
Lynn Vavreck
Matt Barreto
Sunshine Hillygus
John Sides
Seth Masket DepartmentProgram
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
This video features the January 30th 2008 campaign stop for Barack Obama. The presidential hopeful spoke at the University of Denver's Magness Arena to a massive crowd.
January 30th, 2008 EventSpeaker
Barack Obama
Caroline Kennedy
Crisanta Duran DepartmentProgram
Anderson Academic Commons
President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney discuss domestic policy in the first debate of the 2012 presidential election from Denver, Colorado.
October 3rd, 2013 EventSpeaker
Barack Obama
Mitt Romney DepartmentProgram
Anderson Academic Commons
Albuquerque, New Mexico. See item 20.3. Quality: Good.