08:41duration 8 minutes 41 seconds
2018-02-26 Lamont Jazz Orchestra - 02-26-2018 -…
2018-02-26 Lamont Jazz Orchestra - 02-26-2018 - Track 7
Lamont Jazz Orchestra - 02-26-2018 Track: 7 Concert Date: February 26, 2018 Old filename: 6531.mp3
05:19duration 5 minutes 19 seconds
James Baxter Peyton "Johnnie Doyle"
English Folk Song
31:44duration 31 minutes 44 seconds
Rebekah Lockwood Taft Oral History. Tape 4, Side…
Rebekah Lockwood Taft Oral History. Tape 4, Side A.
Found in 'Voices and Visions: Pikes Peak Women of the Twentieth Century Oral History Project.'