Lamont Wind Ensemble - 01-30-2013 Track: 5
Concert Date: January 30, 2013
Old filename: 28.mp3
Flo's Underground - 02-26-2016 Track: 3
Concert Date: February 26, 2016
Old filename: 3816.mp3
Curtis recalls enlisting in the Army and her early days in boot camp. She describes her various tours of duty including preparing ships to transport troops overseas from bases in the San Francisco…
George Honey talks about the beginning of the smokejumper program and the experimentation on equipment and methods. He specifically discusses his friendship with Francis Lufkin a pioneer smokejumper…
A smokejumper from 1941 to 1942 and 1945 to 1958 Fred O. Brauer describes the early development of the smokejumper program. He discusses the many challenges the program faced during that time…
Wilmer Carlsen discusses joining the smokejumpers under the Civilian Public Service program (CPS) in 1943 because he was a conscientious objector during World War Two. He describes his experiences as…
Neuropsychological Screening Tests for Mental Health Clinicians
A Practitioner-in-Residence talk by Anne-Marie Buzatu, Deputy Head of the Operations IV division (Public-Private Partnerships), Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Dr. James Hansen interviews Melvin Eckard at Colorado State University on December 20, 1984.
CSUeckard LicenseAgreement
Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Found in 'Voices and Visions: Pikes Peak Women of the Twentieth Century Oral History Project.'
CSPMs996-219 LicenseAgreement
Copyright restrictions may apply. User is responsible for all copyright compliance.
Found in 'Voices and Visions: Pikes Peak Women of the Twentieth Century Oral History Project.'
Found in 'Voices and Visions: Pikes Peak Women of the Twentieth Century Oral History Project.'
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) delivers his weekly radio address, Report from Washington, on Sept. 27, 1967. Sen. Dominick discusses U.S. Army procurement practices, exemplified by a cost plus…
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) delivers his weekly radio address, Report from Washington, on Mar. 28, 1963. Sen. Dominick discusses topics including disarmament negotiations with the Soviet…
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) answers questions from Colorado constituents during a segment of his For the record radio program on September 18, 1967 in Washington, D.C. Sen. Dominick discusses…