05:38duration 5 minutes 38 seconds
2016-02-19 Flo's Underground - 02-19-2016 -…
2016-02-19 Flo's Underground - 02-19-2016 - Track 1
Flo's Underground - 02-19-2016 Track: 1 Concert Date: February 19, 2016 Old filename: 3749.mp3
32:23duration 32 minutes 23 seconds
Interview RHC006 with Doug Tanner July 4 1985…
Interview RHC006 with Doug Tanner July 4 1985 1985 July 4 (Part 1)
Interview with Doug Tanner at the Max Tanner Ranch in Grouse Creek 4 July 1985 (pt. 1): ranching; buckaroo clothing. Reel to reel 1/4" 1/2 track stereo (box says "tip to tip-Sennheiser…