03:04duration 3 minutes 4 seconds
2019-11-16 Lamont Bluegrass Ensemble - 11-16-2019…
2019-11-16 Lamont Bluegrass Ensemble - 11-16-2019 - Track 5
Lamont Bluegrass Ensemble - 11-16-2019 Track: 5 Concert Date: November 16, 2019 Old filename: 10809.mp3
Senator Peter H. Dominick accepts a plaque from…
Senator Peter H. Dominick accepts a plaque from Robert M. Gjonovich, District President of the National Association of Post Office and General Service Maintenance Employees in February 1968, 1968 February 14
Robert M. Gjonovich, District President of the National Association of Post Office and General Services Maintenance Employees (NAPOGSME) presents Sen. Dominick with a plaque from members of the labor…