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LIS 4702 9.4.1 Keeping It Real: Collaborating with Schools

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From  Ashley Brown 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Oral history interview with Bonnie Pace March 10 1981. 1981 March 10

Mrs. Bonnie Pace taught for fifty years and during those years she taught in many different places and with a variety of people including three different Indian tribes. Interviewed by Cherry Ray on…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Oral history interview with Oscar Ray Forbes February 10 1977. 1977 February 10

Oscar Ray Forbes taught Native American students for twenty years prior to retirement in 1974. Interviewed by Phillip Reed Rulon Associate Professor of History Northern Arizona University on…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 0 plays 0  

MCE Alumni Signature Event: Senator Michael Johnston 09/19/2012

Senator Michael Johnston is a Colorado native and a Morgridge College of Education alumni who has made high impact on the schools of our state as a student, teacher, administrator, author, and now as…

From  DU-Video-Publishers 0 likes 2 plays 0