LIS 4010 5.2.4 Demo: GitHub Advanced Dublin Core Generator
LIS 4010 5.2.2 Customized Template for Textual Resources
LIS 4070 10.5.1 Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME)
LIS 4070 8.5.1 RDA for Serials
LIS 4070 7.4.1 Classifying Serials (DDC)
LIS 4070 4.3.1 Sources of Subject Analysis
LIS 4070 3.6.1 RDA Toolkit Sections 5-10
LIS 4015 8.3.3 Copyright Exceptions and Technology
LIS 4520 2.3.2 Interview: YA Book Author
The reel is labeled "Allan [sic] Swallow Memorial -- Reel 2". The accrual for the ELADA reels did not include a first reel from the memorial. The audio contains individuals speaking and…