10:33duration 10 minutes 33 seconds
02:58duration 2 minutes 58 seconds
Emma Hutchins "Poor Little Joe"
Folk Song
01:23duration 1 minute 23 seconds
Ellis K. Skinner "Wreck of Old No. 97"
Parody of Ship That Never Returned
01:32duration 1 minute 32 seconds
Emma Hutchins "Her Legacy"
03:10duration 3 minutes 10 seconds
Edith Cummings Taylor "Wake Nicodemus!"
01:57duration 1 minute 57 seconds
15:01duration 15 minutes 1 second
Rags to Riches
“If you’ve got cash, you don’t have to take any trash.” Bob Ragland, a self-promoted outlier, has the business tools to successfully heat and eat as a non-starving…