02:28duration 2 minutes 28 seconds
2014-03-11 Lamont Guitar Ensembles - 03-11-2014 -…
2014-03-11 Lamont Guitar Ensembles - 03-11-2014 - Track 11
Lamont Guitar Ensembles - 03-11-2014 Track: 11 Concert Date: March 11, 2014 Old filename: 1620.mp3
01:55duration 1 minute 55 seconds
Ellis K. Skinner "My Mother Was a Lady"
Folk Song
04:46duration 4 minutes 46 seconds
Report from Washington. Redlich and the Warren…
Report from Washington. Redlich and the Warren Commission, 1964 May 21
Senator Peter H. Dominick delivers his weekly radio address, Report from Washington, on May 21, 1964. Sen. Dominick discusses the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the establishment of…