30:32duration 30 minutes 32 seconds
MWCoh-0520-2 (Side B) (Prisoner of…
MWCoh-0520-2 (Side B) (Prisoner of War/Philippines)
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Prisoner of War/Philippines
03:09duration 3 minutes 9 seconds
John Rice "Rag Pat"
Folk Song
54:20duration 54 minutes 20 seconds
Oral History Interview with Marie Robinson 1981…
Oral History Interview with Marie Robinson 1981 April 4
Ms. Robinson recounts her experiences growing up in Austin TX and later in Lincoln NE starting in about 1942.
17:31duration 17 minutes 31 seconds
Oral History Interview with David…
Oral History Interview with David "Dave" Flaccus 1984 July 10 (Side B)
David Flaccus describes his experiences as a smokejumper during World War Two from 1943 through 1945 through the Civilian Public Service program (CPS). He discusses training at Seeley Lake Montana…