Lamont Musical Theatre Cabaret - 05-22-2014 Track: 14
Concert Date: May 22, 2014
Old filename: 2020.mp3
Lamont Musical Theatre Cabaret - 05-23-2014 Track: 14
Concert Date: May 23, 2014
Old filename: 2000.mp3
Frank Yaklich was President of CF&I Steel Corporation. Born in Pueblo Frank attended the University of Colorado majoring in Engineering. In 1960 he worked 2 years for Inland. Came to the CF…
Vic Johnson was a superintendent for the Rolling and Finishing Mill at the CF&I Steel Corporation.Began working at mill at 12 1/2 years old. Tom Verde was foreman. Began at rail mill as door…
DLC - tips for Creating Videos in an Online Course
Raymond Ehrlinger was a draftsman for the CF&I Steel Corporation. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Ehrlinger finished school at the age of 14 in the 8th grade. He went to Farris Point at Bethlehem…
Frank Yaklich was President of CF&I Steel Corporation. Born in Pueblo, Frank attended the University of Colorado majoring in Engineering. In 1960, he worked 2 years for Inland. Came to the CF…
Vic Johnson was a superintendent for the Rolling and Finishing Mill, at the CF&I Steel Corporation.Began working at mill at 12 1/2 years old. Tom Verde was foreman. Began at rail mill as door…