05:35duration 5 minutes 35 seconds
2013-04-20 Lamont Opera - 04-20-2013 - Track 4
Lamont Opera - 04-20-2013 Track: 4 Concert Date: April 20, 2013 Old filename: 476.mp3
01:15duration 1 minute 15 seconds
Beulah Greer "Foolish Chicken"
Traditional Song
01:00duration 1 minute 0 seconds
Discusses family struggles with affording medications, such as mom's diabetes medicines
56:43duration 56 minutes 43 seconds
Oral history interview with Nellie Emm. 2006
Discusses Jack Wilson also known as Wovoka. Seed and berry gathering and processing. Not wasting food.
13:49duration 13 minutes 49 seconds
Woodstock West
On May 4, 1970, 1,500 students gathered on the University of Denver campus to publicly mourn their fallen comrades at Kent State[1] and attempted to make sense of President Nixon’s invasion of…