Matt Nielsen, a family member and Co-Owner of Nielsen Massey Vanillas, shares the story of his family’s 100-year journey. His generation has found success by creating their own legacy, one…
May 11th, 2022 EventSpeaker
Matt Nielsen
Kim Malek DepartmentProgram
Bailey Program for Family Enterprise RelatedWebsite
Describes major healath concerns in family as cancer, diabetes, alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse
Discusses how alcohol can serve a medicinal function but can also been destructive in the context of historical trauma, colonization, racism. Shares hx alcoholism in family (maternal grandfather,…
Interview with Thelma & Wallace Betteridge Raida Kimber & George Betteridge at Raida Kimber's home (pt. 2): in Grouse Creek 16 July 1985: rodeo; religion; stories about Indian Jack and…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Thelma & Wallace Betteridge Raida Kimber & George Betteridge at Raida Kimber's home (pt. 1): in Grouse Creek 16 July 1985: Reunion of Betteridge siblings Wallace (79 yrs)…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Fisher Early Learning Center, University of Denver, Morgridge College of Education, Prekindergarten Abiyoyos Graduation Ceremony, 06-17-21 at 11:30 am.
June 17th, 2021