Lamont Opera - 11-02-2013 Track: 2
Concert Date: November 02, 2013
Old filename: 2914.mp3
Lamont Opera - 11-01-2013 Track: 2
Concert Date: November 01, 2013
Old filename: 2896.mp3
Flo's Underground - 04-25-2014 Track: 1
Concert Date: April 25, 2014
Old filename: 1800.mp3
Flo's Underground - 04-25-2014 Track: 1
Concert Date: April 25, 2014
Old filename: 1800.mp3
Flo's Underground - 05-17-2013 Track: 5
Concert Date: May 17, 2013
Old filename: 792.mp3
This is the first of two (1 of 2) reels containing J.V. Cunningham speaking at the University of Denver on November 17, 1966. The overarching theme is seen in his title for the lecture, "How…
Dorothy Trevino reads the life history of Francis Owen Bush written by Francis Owen Bush. This is part of a series of oral histories of early Mancos settlers taken in the 1970s and intended to be…
The granddaughter of a Pentecostal pastor, Rev. Flunder recounts the experiences of her early years in San Francisco, and discusses the role music played in her childhood. She discusses the meaning…
May 25th, 1999 ReferenceID