05:21duration 5 minutes 21 seconds
2013-05-24 Flo's Underground - 05-24-2013 -…
2013-05-24 Flo's Underground - 05-24-2013 - Track 7
Flo's Underground - 05-24-2013 Track: 7 Concert Date: May 24, 2013 Old filename: 803.mp3
05:00duration 5 minutes 0 seconds
2016-05-13 Flo's Underground - 05-13-2016 -…
2016-05-13 Flo's Underground - 05-13-2016 - Track 11
Flo's Underground - 05-13-2016 Track: 11 Concert Date: May 13, 2016 Old filename: 4289.mp3
04:32duration 4 minutes 32 seconds
2016-03-04 Flo's Underground - 03-04-2016 -…
2016-03-04 Flo's Underground - 03-04-2016 - Track 11
Flo's Underground - 03-04-2016 Track: 11 Concert Date: March 04, 2016 Old filename: 3921.mp3
03:04duration 3 minutes 4 seconds
2017-11-10 CACDA Collegiate Choral Festival -…
2017-11-10 CACDA Collegiate Choral Festival - 11-10-2017 - Track 7
CACDA Collegiate Choral Festival - 11-10-2017 Track: 7 Concert Date: November 10, 2017 Old filename: 5219.mp3
04:22duration 4 minutes 22 seconds
Faculty Showcase - Critical Thinking with Chip…
Faculty Showcase - Critical Thinking with Chip Reichardt
In this Faculty showcase video Chip Reichardt explains the concepts of critical and creative thinking and how he helps develop those skills in students.
04:21duration 4 minutes 21 seconds
Faculty Showcase- Critical Thinking with Chip…
Faculty Showcase- Critical Thinking with Chip Reichardt