Title provided by cataloger. Recorded on April 20, 1994. Life during World War II. Moved to Denver during the war to work at the Gates Rubber Company. Born in Nebraska. After World War II moved to…
Interview with Alvin Bruening from the Pikes Peak Library District Oral History Project.
Interview with Otis King from the Pikes Peak Library District Oral History Project.
Houston Waring longtime editor of the Littleton Independent newspaper reflects on his move from Georgia to Colorado in 1921 to treat his tuberculosis. Reflects on ending his naval career due to being…
Olietta Moore born and raised in Colorado reminisces on her childhood growing up in the Barnum neighborhood opening of the Colfax Viaduct and riding the Barnum streetcar. Discusses writing music…
George Dobbins a retired professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder discusses his childhood in Denver and Englewood. Dobbins reflects on his memories of Cherry Creek…
Davis describes his childhood in Mesa Arizona where his family settled in the late 1800s. He discusses his schooling and recalls several businesses in downtown Mesa.