06:14duration 6 minutes 14 seconds
2013-05-17 Flo's Underground - 05-17-2013 -…
2013-05-17 Flo's Underground - 05-17-2013 - Track 4
Flo's Underground - 05-17-2013 Track: 4 Concert Date: May 17, 2013 Old filename: 791.mp3
02:55duration 2 minutes 55 seconds
2022-05-27 Bluegrass Ensemble - 05-27-2022 -…
2022-05-27 Bluegrass Ensemble - 05-27-2022 - Track 8
Bluegrass Ensemble - 05-27-2022 Track: 8 Concert Date: May 27, 2022 Old filename: 11853.mp3
25:35duration 25 minutes 35 seconds
No descrptions given for Loveland Museum Gallery oral histories
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
Fred Trainor "Crossing the Plains"
Folk Song
01:55duration 1 minute 55 seconds
Emma Hutchins "I'll Hang My Harp On a…
Emma Hutchins "I'll Hang My Harp On a Willow Tree"
04:42duration 4 minutes 42 seconds
SIP Immigration - John Hickenlooper Interview…
SIP Immigration - John Hickenlooper Interview (04.30.2009)
Interview with John Hickenlooper, Mayor of Denver - Strategic Issues Program, Immigration Panel