15:43duration 15 minutes 43 seconds
LIS 4010 8.2.1 Subject Headings
04:32duration 4 minutes 32 seconds
2014-11-14 Flo's Underground - 11-14-2014 -…
2014-11-14 Flo's Underground - 11-14-2014 - Track 1
Flo's Underground - 11-14-2014 Track: 1 Concert Date: November 14, 2014 Old filename: 2596.mp3
32:16duration 32 minutes 16 seconds
Allen Ginsberg Basic Poetics Part 16 1980…
Allen Ginsberg Basic Poetics Part 16 1980 February 25
A continuation of a Basic Poetics class taught by Allen Ginsberg in 1980 at Naropa. Ginsberg reads and discusses a number of songs by Shakespeare. During the last part of the class the students…