Lamont Opera Scenes - 02-10-2013 Track: 2
Concert Date: February 10, 2013
Old filename: 50.mp3
John Kinzie - 01-29-2013 Track: 9
Concert Date: January 29, 2013
Old filename: 14.mp3
World Music at DU - 11-13-2015 Track: 6
Concert Date: November 13, 2015
Old filename: 3524.mp3
No descrption given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title: Early Grand Junction
19th Century Minstrel Song
Rhoton begins by describing his childhood in Shumway Arizona where his parents settled in 1888. He discusses his 51-year career as a teacher in Arizona 24 of which were in Mesa. He talks about the…
Charles Nyquist describes the 13 seasons he worked as a smokejumper from 1954 to 1972. He discusses the training and facilities at the Missoula Montana base the role of the spotter and his jumps in…
Tome, New Mexico. Song about the loss of the Tome land grant. Those in favor of the sale of the grant are referred to as traitors and opportunists. Includes commentary. Quality: good. PLEASE NOTE:…