Flo's Underground - 02-27-2015 Track: 5
Concert Date: February 27, 2015
Old filename: 2800.mp3
Lamont Bluegrass Ensemble - 06-02-2019 Track: 2
Concert Date: June 02, 2019
Old filename: 8844.mp3
No descrptions given for Loveland Museum Gallery oral histories
Interview conducted of centenarian Walter G. Mann by Al Richmond at the Pine Rest Home in Flagstaff. Mann was a Forest Service supervisor in the Kaibab National Forest for 30 years. He also…
Mr. Ambrose was born in 1916. He attended the University of Arizona and began work on locomotives until 1942. After WWII he worked with the Grand Canyon train tours. He remembers many explosions…
Forest Crossen author and historian reflects on his family's move from Montana to Colorado. Reflects on riding the Denver Interurban Electric Car from Denver to Boulder in the early 1920s.…
A member of the prominent Pomeroy family Johnson was born in Mesa in 1896 at Robson and Second Ave. Her father was the first Mormon Bishop of Mesa and one of her distant cousins served as Mesa's…
Talk covers Indians riding on trains. The train wreck near Verdi Nevada in the early 1900s. Being at school in Nixon Nevada. Illness and death and various family names.
Part of the Sound Model Project
Talk covers Indians riding on trains. The train wreck near Verdi Nevada in the early 1900s. Being at school in Nixon Nevada. Illness and death and various family names.
Part of the Sound Model Project
An unidentified announcer delivers the Dominick report, a weekly radio address summarizing news events for Colorado residents, on April 17, 1968 in Washington, D.C. The announcer discusses efforts by…
Senator Peter H. Dominick (R-Colo.) answers questions from Colorado constituents during a segment of his For the record radio program on January 29, 1968 in Washington, D.C. Sen. Dominick discusses…
Digital Pioneers 2010-2014