07:44duration 7 minutes 44 seconds
2014-02-14 Flo's Underground - 02-14-2014 -…
2014-02-14 Flo's Underground - 02-14-2014 - Track 2
Flo's Underground - 02-14-2014 Track: 2 Concert Date: February 14, 2014 Old filename: 1414.mp3
06:12duration 6 minutes 12 seconds
2014-02-20 Standards Combo Session - 02-20-2014 -…
2014-02-20 Standards Combo Session - 02-20-2014 - Track 1
Standards Combo Session - 02-20-2014 Track: 1 Concert Date: February 20, 2014 Old filename: 1659.mp3
15:01duration 15 minutes 1 second
Rags to Riches
“If you’ve got cash, you don’t have to take any trash.” Bob Ragland, a self-promoted outlier, has the business tools to successfully heat and eat as a non-starving…
31:52duration 31 minutes 52 seconds
PC observation 01.13.21 (30-36 months)
Observation of the Purple Coyotes classroom (30-36 months)