Search for tag: "u.s"
Faculty Friday: The Global Economy on the BrinkAs the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has devastated economies both at home in the U.S. and internationally, what are the biggest challenges, risks and opportunities in the current…
From Grant Gibson
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Faculty Friday: U.S.-China RelationsTensions between the U.S. and China are escalating with relations between the dueling world powers sinking to the lowest in decades. Are the two largest economies slipping into a new Cold War? What…
From Grant Gibson
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Senator Peter H. Dominick receives a painting from Denver Pilots Club President Bill Madsen after his speech to the membership in November 1966, 1966 November 25Sen. Dominick (R-Colo.) stands to the right of DPC president Bill Madsen. Madsen holds a painting from the United States Air Force Art Collection that he presented to the senator after his speech to…
From SCA-DCS-Owners
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Senator Peter H. Dominick and members of the Senate Armed Services Committee visit the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1967 March 13Senator Young, Senator Cannon, Senator Dominick and Lieutenant General Moorman stand next to the Eagle and Fledglings statue on the campus of the U. S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs,…
From SCA-DCS-Owners
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Senator Peter H. Dominick and General Curtis E. LeMay, United States Air Force Chief of Staff, meet during the assembly of the 9999th Air Reserve Squadron in Washington, D.C., 1963, 1963 June 17Sen. Peter Dominick (R-Colo.) and U.S. Air Force General LeMay stand together during a break in the meeting of the 9999th Air Force Reserve Squadron in Washington, D.C. The air reserve unit was…
From SCA-DCS-Owners
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