07:12duration 7 minutes 12 seconds
2014-11-01 Lamont Opera - 11-01-2014 - Track 2
Lamont Opera - 11-01-2014 Track: 2 Concert Date: November 01, 2014 Old filename: 2361.mp3
06:38duration 6 minutes 38 seconds
2017-02-25 Modern Hue - 02-25-2017 - Track 4
Modern Hue - 02-25-2017 Track: 4 Concert Date: February 25, 2017 Old filename: 4749.mp3
25:12duration 25 minutes 12 seconds
Oral History Interview with Juan Hernandez 1978…
Oral History Interview with Juan Hernandez 1978 August 20 (Side B)
Mexican Revolution Battles of Zacatecas Torreon Camargo the personalities of Villa de Anda and Murguna and recollections of black American soldiers during the Revolutionary years.