30:17duration 30 minutes 17 seconds
MWCoh-0312 (Side A) (Cross Orchard/Grand…
MWCoh-0312 (Side A) (Cross Orchard/Grand Junction)
No descrptions given for Museum of Western Colorado Histories. Title: Cross Orchard/Grand Junction
31:35duration 31 minutes 35 seconds
Oral History Interview with Caryl Wickes-Connick…
Oral History Interview with Caryl Wickes-Connick 2001 May 11 (Side A)
Caryl Wickes-Connick discusses her initial interest in domestic violence in the mid-seventies and her subsquent work to establish women's shelters and to acquire funding to study spousal abuse…
31:47duration 31 minutes 47 seconds
CSPMs995-81. Tape 2, Side B.
Found in 'Voices and Visions: Pikes Peak Women of the Twentieth Century Oral History Project.'