Interview with Jane Spain conducted by her student, Heidi Thomas. Founded in 1961, Dance Arts Studio was Broomfield’s first dance studio. Jane is credited with introducing young girls and boys to pirouette. The studio flourished with Jane at the helm and provided entertainment to local group events. She has taught generations of families who return with their children to Miss Jane’s studio for lessons. “Children’s Dance Theatre,” founded in 1974, used dancers from the studio to perform in local elementary schools. The approach was to integrate dance with an academic subject being studied by the children. The program continues today. Jane volunteered for the Board of the Broomfield Council on the Arts & Humanities, serving a term as president, and is the official historian. She continues to be a valuable volunteer and a source of guidance for the community. She received the “Heart of Broomfield in the Arts” award. Heidi Thomas, current studio owner says, “If there was a kid who wanted to dance, Jane made sure they could even if the family could not pay.”