Search for tag: "collaboration"

2024-10-24 Jeremy Renolds Recital

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From  Kylan Fermin 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Tour de Force Documentary

Version shown at June 26th event at The Dance Archive Annual Meeting.

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From  Nathalie Proulx DeSalvo 0 likes 5 plays 0  


LIS 4011 7.2.1 The Campbell Collaboration

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From  Ashley Brown 0 likes 0 plays 0  


LIS 4000 9.7.1 How Do People Use Libraries

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From  Ashley Brown 0 likes 0 plays 0  


LIS 4520 10.2.1 Wrap-Up

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From  Ashley Brown 0 likes 0 plays 0  


LIS 4510 10.2.1 Wrap-Up

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From  Ashley Brown 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2015-03-04 Jazz Night - 03-04-2015 - Track 2

Jazz Night - 03-04-2015 Track: 2 Concert Date: March 04, 2015 Old filename: 2828.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Lynne Taylor-Corbett Lecture Supplement

This video is a compilation of Lynne's choreography used for her presentation for the Carson Brierly Giffin Dance Library on March 12, 2017. Dances included are: Water Flow, Swing, and Race for…

+8 More
From  Nathalie Proulx DeSalvo 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Collaborative Assignments with Kathi Novak

On this episode of the High Impact Practices Podcast, Megan Haskins chats about Collaborative Assignments with Kathi Novak from Daniels College of Business. Novak discusses topics such as student…

From  Megan Haskins 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Diversity and Global Learning Podcast featuring Sara Chatfield

On this episode of the High Impact Practices Podcast, Megan Haskins speaks with Sarah Chatfield from Political Science. Chatfield discusses how she prioritizes diversity in her Political Science…

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From  Megan Haskins 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Engaging Ideas - Melissa Akaka, Collaborating for Value (Quick Take)

This Engaging Idea explores how innovation and value are most effectively fostered through joint partnerships among firms, customers and other stakeholders.

From  Terry Zdrale 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Accelerate Webinar Series: The New Decentralized Workforce

Accelerate Webinar Series: The New Decentralized Workforce with Alvin McBorrough In the wake of current circumstances, today’s workplace environment has significantly changed. Social…

From Executive Education 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Engaging Ideas - Dr. Melissa Akaka, Collaborating for Value: How organizations and customers create value together

In this Engaging Idea, Melissa Akaka explores how innovation and value are most effectively fostered through joint partnerships among firms, customers and other stakeholders.

From  Terry Zdrale 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Dick Maxfield interview, 2004 January 26 - 2.

Michael Welsh interviews Dick Maxfield in Greeley, Colorado on January 26, 2004. Mr. Maxfield discusses the history of agriculture and water use in Colorado, and his experiences as a farmer in the…

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From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Dick Maxfield interview, 2004 January 26 - 1. Side B.

Michael Welsh interviews Dick Maxfield in Greeley, Colorado on January 26, 2004. Mr. Maxfield discusses the history of agriculture and water use in Colorado, and his experiences as a farmer in the…

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From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 1 plays 0  

3rd Law Dance/Theater Oral History, 2016

Interview with co-artistic directors of 3rd Law Dance/Theatre, Katie Elliot and Jim LaVita, conducted by Nancy McElroy.

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 22 plays 0