Lamont Opera - 11-02-2013 Track: 1
Concert Date: November 02, 2013
Old filename: 2915.mp3
No description given for Museum of Western Colorado Oral Histories. Title: Cowboys
No name or descrption given for audio from Museum of Western Colorado. Title: Nursing/Seiber Murder
He's My Pal / My Mother-in-Law at the County Fair / Crossing the Plains / Winter Cow Camp / Dying Ranger (Texas Ranger) / Red Patch on Pants / It Was Just an Old Beer Bottle / Cheyenne / Oceana…
Mr. Tyler recounts his experiences in Omaha and outstate Nebraska as an itinerant minister starting in 1947 and doing oral history research in outstate Nebraska.
Interview with Tom Atwell from the Pikes Peak Library District Oral History Project
Interview with Wallace Betteridge at his home in Montello Nevada 25 July 1985 (pt. 1): ranching roping terminology: hard and fast hoolihan hondo; depression; ranch stories. Occasional rumbles…
Interview with brothers Max and Merlin Tanner at Max Tanner's home in Grouse Creek 5 July 1985 (pt. 2): more outlaw stories: Bolly Miller; Mormon Cowboy; Cotton Thomas Basin naming; mining.…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project
Interview with Milton Oman at his home in Grouse Creek 4 July 1985 (pt. 1): Yost; ranching; rodeo Full-track mono tape digitized on 1/2 track stereo playback machine. Hal Cannon (interviewer)is off…
Archive Video?
Yes LicenseAgreement
Part of the Soundmodel Project