LIS 4000 9.6.1 Evaluation
LIS 4000 9.4.1 Evolution and Description of EBLIP
LIS 4000 8.5.1 Appropriations, Net Neutrality, E-Rate
LIS 4000 8.2.1 Major Areas of Legislation and Effects on Libraries
LIS 4000 7.5.1 The Digital Divide
LIS 4000 5.2.1 Common Ingredients of Library Resources
LIS 4000 4.7.1 Interview with Carrie Forbes
LIS 4000 4.2.1 2600 BCE to Today
LIS 4043 10.1.2 Interview with Debbi MacLeod
LIS 4043 9.1.2 Interview with Kent Oliver
LIS 4043 5.4.2 Interview with Alan Inouye
LIS 4043 5.1.1 Evaluating Advocacy Efforts
LIS 4043 3.3.4 Making Your Time Count Recap
LIS 4043 3.1.2 Interview with Jamie LaRue
LIS 4043 3.1.1 What Are the Library Structures That Support Advocacy?
LIS 4043 2.2.1 Interview with Cindy Aden