LIS 4011 5.6.1 Demo: Finding Aids
LIS 4011 5.5.1 Virtual Reference Services
LIS 4011 5.4.1 Demo: Current Awareness Service
LIS 4011 5.2.1 Demo: LibGuides
LIS 4011 4.2.1 Demo: Discovery Layers, Discovery Services
LIS 4011 4.1.1 Demo: Online Public Access System (OPAC)
LIS 4011 1.3.1 Fundamentals of Information Access
LIS 4011 1.2.1 Introduction to Information Retrieval IR, Part II
LIS 4011 1.1.1 Introduction to Information Retrieval
LIS 4010 8.1.1 Subject Analysis
LIS 4010 6.3.1 Content Standards AACR2 and RDA
LIS 4010 5.3.1 Authority Control
LIS 4010 3.2.1 Metadata Functions and Types
LIS 4010 2.3.1 Formal Structures and Retrieval Tools in Libraries