Search for tag: "goodness"


From  Caitlin Turk 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2014-10-31 Lamont Opera - 10-31-2014 - Track 5

Lamont Opera - 10-31-2014 Track: 5 Concert Date: October 31, 2014 Old filename: 2338.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2018-02-26 Liederabend An Evening of French Song - 02-26-2018 - Track 12

Liederabend An Evening of French Song - 02-26-2018 Track: 12 Concert Date: February 26, 2018 Old filename: 6400.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2018-05-22 Vocal Jazz - 05-22-2018 - Track 15

Vocal Jazz - 05-22-2018 Track: 15 Concert Date: May 22, 2018 Old filename: 8247.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2019-04-05 Convocation - Convocation 04-05-2019 - Track 4

Convocation - Convocation 04-05-2019 Track: 4 Concert Date: April 05, 2019 Old filename: 8696.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 1 plays 0  

2021-01-31 Macy Andrus Junior Recital - 1-31-21 - Track 4

Macy Andrus Junior Recital - 1-31-21 Track: 4 Concert Date: January 31, 2021 Old filename: 11122.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2021-05-01 Kim Stanish Graduate Recital - 5-1-21 - Track 5

Kim Stanish Graduate Recital - 5-1-21 Track: 5 Concert Date: May 01, 2021 Old filename: 11299.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2019-04-05 Convocation - Convocation 04-05-2019 - Track 4

Convocation - Convocation 04-05-2019 Track: 4 Concert Date: April 05, 2019 Old filename: 8696.mp3

From  Lamont_Music_Group 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2022_11_17 Graduate Voice Repertoire 08

From  Ricky Jumper 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Oral history interview with Thomas Fallbach [sound recording] 2002 Nov. 27.

Fallbach describes his experiences while living in Sedalia Colo. including losing his home in a fire and various experiences of being a member of the West Douglas Fire Dept. for 20 years. He also…

From Digital Collections 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Oral History Interview with Manuel Sandoval Espino 2002 June 6

Mr. Sandoval grew up in Mexico City. He worked as a railroad line worker in Kansas shoveling gravel on roadbeds and repairing the rails. Activities he did from 1943 to 1944.

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Recognition - Gisella Bassani

From  OTL Video Owners 0 likes 21 plays 0  

Henry Bamford Parkes: Freedom and Order in Western Literature (Reel 1 / Side 1)

This reel contains Henry Bamford Parkes speaking at the University of Denver on May 21 1969. His lecture focuses on the notion of freedom and order in general as well as in literature. Parkes posits…

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Kaye Howe - Beginnings

Digital Pioneers 2010-2014

From  SCA-DCS-Owners 0 likes 1 plays 0