LIS 4060 10.1.1 The Future of Reference Services
Oral History Interview with Frances Johnson for Pikes Peak Library Oral History Project
Birdie Dave sings the Ghost Dance song the Hand Game song and the Circle Dance.
Part of the Sound Model Project
Steven Berlin Johnson, popular science author and contributing editor to Wired magazine, discusses why every type of media is valuable to learning. Johnson contends for the notion that culture has…
March 31st, 2009
Heuristic Evaluation Video
Katie Bokenkamp reviews the University of Denver Anderson Academic Commons services and policies, basic tips for searching and researching using Compass, available databases, and Google Scholar, and…
May 5th, 2021 EventSpeaker
Katie Bokenkamp DepartmentProgram
University Libraries RelatedWebsite
The Canvas Course Tours was hosted as a virtual event that recognized
and shared innovative Canvas courses! During this session, we heard from
faculty across disciplines who have used Canvas in…
This video is intended to help you find scholarly and non-scholarly sources for your research. It is targeted at undergraduate students and convers library and non-library resources.
Library 101 Workshop led by Hope Barajas. Learn useful information regarding the University of Denver library and how to conduct basic research.
February 23rd, 2021 EventSpeaker
Hope Barajas DepartmentProgram
University Libraries RelatedWebsite
Alexandrea Kord leads a comprehensive workshop on the citation management software Zotero, which is useful for a variety of applications including organizing citations from the web, Google Scholar,…
February 9th, 2021 EventSpeaker
Alexandrea Kord DepartmentProgram
University Libraries RelatedWebsite
Accelerate Webinar Series: Voice Search for You and Your Organization with Michael Myers Why should voice search matter to you and your organization? Spoiler alert - it will fundamentally change all…
July 23rd, 2020 EventSpeaker
Michael Myers
David Worley DepartmentProgram
Daniels Executive Education RelatedWebsite